Previous Committees

Year President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer Membership Chairman At Large
Current John Condo Michael Celichowski David Rowbottom John Gramelspacher JoAnn Bogolin, Pamela Laboy
22-23 Woolford London John Condo David Rowbottom Michael Celichowski John Gramelspacher, JoAnn Bogolin
21-22 Kareen Dorsett Woolford London John Condo

Michael Celichowski

David Rowbottom, John Gramelspacher
20-21 Alison Pool Kareen Dorsett John Condo Woolford London Michael Celichowski, David Rowbottom
19-20 Rebecca Scotchie Alison Pool Kareen Dorsett Woolford London John Condo, Michael Celichowski
18-19 Mark Massey Rebecca Scotchie Kareen Dorsett Alison Pool Woolford London, John Condo
17-18 Ashlee Borcan Mark Massey Rebecca Scotchie Alison Pool Kareen Dorsett
16-17 Winter Liu Ashlee Borcan Rebecca Scotchie Mark Massey Lloyd Spencer, Alison Pool
15-16 Jeff Williams Winter Liu Ashlee Borcan Mark Massey Rebecca Scotchie, Lloyd Spencer
14-15 Jim Drennan Jeff Williams Ashlee Borcan Winter Liu Mark Massey, Rebecca Scotchie
13-14 Shawn Parks Jim Drennan Jeff Williams Winter Liu Ashlee Borcan, Mark Massey
12-13 Rich Schaefer Shawn Parks Jeff Williams Jim Drennan Winter Liu, Jim Toole
11-12 Joyce Whaley Rich Schaefer Shawn Parks Jim Drennan Jeff Williams, Winter Liu
10-11 Joeff Williams Joyce Whaley Shawn Parks Rich Schaefer Jim Drennan, Jeff Williams
09-10 Mike Taht Joeff Williams Joyce Whaley Rich Schaefer Shawn Parks, Jim Drennan
08-09 Stu Rachlin Mike Taht Joyce Whaley Joeff Williams Rich Schaefer, Shawn Parks
07-08 Ralph Sayre Stu Rachlin Mike Taht Joeff Williams Joyce Whaley, Rich Schaefer
06-07 Janet McGowin Ralph Sayre Mike Taht Stu Rachlin Joeff Williams, Joyce Whaley
05-06 Brad Leonard Janet McGowin Ralph Sayre Stu Rachlin Mike Taht, Joeff Williams
04-05 Wade Luther Brad Leonard Ralph Sayre Janet McGowin Stu Rachlin, Mike Taht
03-04 Lonnie Etheridge Wade Luther Brad Leonard Janet McGowin Ralph Sayre, Stu Rachlin
02-03 Jimmy Atkins Lonnie Etheridge Brad Leonard Wade Luther Janet McGowin, Ralph Sayre
01-02 Bob Dobson Jimmy Atkins Lonnie Etheridge Wade Luther Brad Leonard, Janet McGowin
00-01 Bob Crompton Bob Dobson Lonnie Etheridge Jimmy Atkins Wade Luther, Brad Leonard
99-00 Betty Anne Neal Bob Crompton Bob Dobson Jimmy Atkins Lonnie Etheridge, Wade Luther
98-99 Ann Frizzell Betty Anne Neal Bob Dobson Bob Crompton Jimmy Atkins, Lonnie Etheridge
97-98 John A. MacBain Ann B. Frizzell Betty Anne Neal Bob B. Crompton Jimmy D. Atkins, Bob H. Dobson
96-97 Peggy M. Rubin John A. MacBain Betty Anne Neal Ann B. Frizzell Bob B. Crompton, Bob H. Dobson
95-96 Bob A. Potter Peggy M. Rubin John A. MacBain Ron E. Bachman Ann B. Frizzell, Betty Anne Neal
94-95 Doug C. Doll Bob A. Potter Peggy M. Rubin Ron E. Bachman John A. MacBain, Ann B. Frizzell
93-94 Bill H. Bowman Doug C. Doll Peggy M. Rubin Bob A. Potter Ron E. Bachman, John A. MacBain
92-93 Curtis S. Sheldon Bill H. Bowman Doug C. Doll Bob A. Potter Ron E. Bachman, Peggy M. Rubin
91-92 Kristie K. Sayre Curtiss S. Sheldon Doug C. Doll Bill H. Bowman Bob A. Potter, Peggy M. Rubin
90-91 D. Dale Hyers Kristie K. Sayre Curtiss S. Sheldon Bill H. Bowman Doug C. Doll, Bob A. Potter
89-90 Steve T. Carter D. Dale Hyers Curtiss S. Sheldon Kristie K. Sayre Bill H. Bowman, Doug C. Doll
88-89 Larry R. Sluder Steve T. Carter D. Dale Hyers n/a Curtiss S. Sheldon, Bill H. Bowman
87-88 Randy P. Mire Larry R. Sluder D. Dale Hyers n/a Curtiss S. Sheldon, Kristie K. Sayre
86-87 Leo Lebos, Jr. Randy P. Mire Larry R. Sluder n/a Kristie K. Sayre, D. Dale Hyers
85-86 Carl E. Meier Leo Lebos, Jr. Larry R. Sluder n/a Steve T. Carter, Jim C. Brooks, Jr.
84-85 Glenn F. Mouton Carl E. Meier Leo Lebos, Jr. n/a Steve T. Carter, Larry R. Sluder
83-84 Dick S. Wolf Glenn F. Mouton Leo Lebos, Jr. n/a Randy P. Mire, Larry R. Sluder
82-83 Charlie T. Whitley Dick S. Wolf Carl E. Meier n/a Glenn F. Mouton, Leo Lebos, Jr.
81-82 Bob W. Batten Charlie T. Whitley Carl E. Meier n/a Dick S. Wolf, Glenn F. Mouton
80-81 Sidney LeBlanc Bob W. Batten Charlie T. Whitley n/a Carl E. Meier, Dick S. Wolf
79-80 Henry K. Knowlton Sidney LeBlanc Charlie T. Whitley n/a Carl E. Meier, W. Tris Stephens
78-79 Sherrill Hall Henry K. Knowlton Charlie T. Whitley n/a Sidney LeBlanc, W. Tris Stephens
77-78 Ted L. Dunn Sherrill Hall Charlie T. Whitley n/a Sidney LeBlanc, Henry K. Knowlton
76-77 Linda B. Emory Ted L. Dunn Sherrill Hall n/a Charlie T. Whitley, Henry K. Knowlton
75-76 Lucian F. Bloodworth Linda B. Emory Sherrill Hall n/a Bob W. Batten, Ted L. Dunn
74-75 Neil M. Anderson Lucian F. Bloodworth Linda B. Emory n/a Bob W. Batten, Ted L. Dunn
73-74 John K. Roberts Neil M. Anderson Linda B. Emory n/a Lucian F. Bloodworth, Charles D. Groth
72-73 Edwin E. Stancik John K. Roberts Neil M. Anderson n/a Lucian F. Bloodworth, Charles D. Groth
71-72 Douglas A. Broome Edwin E. Stancik Neil M. Anderson n/a John K. Roberts, Sam H. Turner
70-71 Clint E. Edwards Douglas A. Broome Neil M. Anderson n/a John K. Roberts, Edwin W. Stancik
69-70 W.H. Odell, Jr. Clint E. Edwards Fernand Bonnard n/a Douglas A. Broome, Harold E. Ruck
68-69 David N. Wakely W.H. Odell, Jr. Fernand Bonnard n/a Clint E. Edwards, Douglas A. Broome
67-68 Harold E. Ruck David N. Wakely W.H. Odell, Jr. n/a Clint E. Edwards, William A. Ferguson
66-67 Frank N. Gordon Harold E. Ruck W.H. Odell, Jr. n/a Edwin E. Stancik, David N. Wakely
65-66 John L. Glenn Frank N. Gordon Charles W. Jacoby n/a Harold E. Ruck, Thomas H. Pate
64-65 Harold W. Black John L. Glenn Charles W. Jacoby n/a Frank N. Gordon, Robert M. Denham
63-64 John M. Bragg Harold W. Black Charles W. Jacoby n/a Frank N. Gordon, Ernest C. Steele
62-63 C.M. Beardsley John M. Bragg Charles W. Jacoby n/a Douglas A. Broome
61-62 R.L. King C.M. Beardsley John M. Bragg n/a J.S. Ripandelli
60-61 James C.H. Anderson R.L. King John M. Bragg n/a Henry Unruh
59-60 Charles W. Jacoby James C.H. Anderson John M. Bragg n/a W.R. Phillippi
58-59 James L. Kirkpatrick Albion U. Jenkins Charles L. VanHouse n/a Kenneth Ward-Smith, William L. Farmer
57-58 William L. Farmer James L. Kirkpatrick Charles L. VanHouse n/a H. Carey Hanlin, Jr., Esse Davis Langston
56-57 H. Carey Hanlin, Jr. William L. Farmer Charles L. VanHouse n/a Hillary Fisher
55-56 Tommy P. Bowles, Jr. H. Carey Hanlin, Jr. Burton E. Moore n/a Russell L. King, Jr., Ernest C. Steele
54-55 Hubert M. Stiles Tommy P. Bowles, Jr. Burton E. Moore n/a n/a
53-54 Russell Wagner Hubert M. Stiles Burton E. Moore n/a n/a
52-53 Walter Mays Russell Wagner Burton E. Moore n/a Jim Woolery, S.E. Allen
51-52 Jim Livingston Walter Mays Burton E. Moore n/a Henry Unruh, Bruce Batho
50-51 Bruce Batho Jim Livingston Burton E. Moore n/a John Hyman, Walter Mays
49-50 Burton E. Moore Ralph Anderson n/a n/a n/a

Current News

Fall 2024 - The SEAC Fall meeting will be held at the Whitley Atlanta Hotel in Atlanta, GA on November 20-22, 2024. We look forward to seeing everyone in this great location. Registration will be open soon.

Spring 2024 - The SEAC Spring Meeting was held at the Opal Grand Oceanfront Resort and Spa in Delray Beach, Florida, on June 19-21, 2024. Attendees enjoyed the fabulous location and hotel, along with informative content from the sessions. We continued our partnership for additional activities during the Spring meetings.  

Fall 2023 - The SEAC Spring Meeting was held at the Desoto Savannah in Savannah, Georgia, on November 15-17, 2023.  Attendees were pleased with the hotel as well as the historic location, with lots of great sites to experience.  Sessions continued to be well attended and included strong audience participation.

Spring 2023 - The SEAC Spring Meeting was held at the Sandpearl Resort in Clearwater Beach, Florida on June 21-23, 2023.  Attendance was particularly strong for this meeting at a beautiful resort location with a strong assortment of speakers and presentations.  We also launched a new partnership with an event planner to assist with outside activities during the conference.

Fall 2022 - The SEAC Annual Meeting was held at the Hyatt Centric in New Orleans, Louisiana on November 16-18, 2022.  This was a joint meeting along with the Actuaries' Club of the Southwest (ACSW). We had continued strong attendance and participation in the sessions, with positive feedback all around.  Congratulations to Woolford London (President) and JoAnn Bogolin (Member-At-Large) on their elections.

If you would like to be considered as our next Member-At-Large on the Executive Committee, please contact Woolford London for more information.