Handouts Spring 2022- Sarasota, FL
2022 Spring Meeting Handouts – Sarasota, FL
Slides/Handouts for the 2022 Spring Meeting
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>> Speaker Bios
Below are handouts for sessions at the 2022 Spring Meeting, in the order in which they appear on the program (all material is in PDF format):
Wednesday Seminars (June 22)
A Tour of the Revised USQS + Focus Session on Bias - Liaw Huang & Kevin Russell
Thursday Morning General Sessions (June 23)
COVID-19 By The Numbers- The Short and Long of It - Al Klein
Gen Alpha of Product Innovation- Mike Cremisi & Patrick OuYang
Understanding and Addressing Bias in Predictive Analytics- Justin Serebro
Thursday Morning Life Concurrent Sessions (June 23)
LDTI- We're Here. Are You Ready?- Matthieu Boussetta
Scenario Generation Framework for Strategic Asset Allocation- Pawel Lojko
What is LATF Up To These Days- Linda Lankowski
Thursday Health Concurrent Sessions (June 23)
After the Bid Is In- Desk Review, Audits, and Required Changes- Thomas Grivakis
Risk-Bearing House Calls Model for Your Highest Cost and Risk Members- Christopher Dodd
Tenth Year of ACA Exchanges: Past, Present, and Future- Adam Rudin
Friday Morning General Sessions (June 24)
Fostering Growth & Coaching Employees to Maximum Potential- Bob Morand
Cyber Security: How to Protect Your Data- Kevin Glasgow
Trends in Retiree Healthcare Plan Design- Greg Stump