Handouts Spring 2014 - Clearwater, FL
Slides/Handouts for the Spring 2014 Meeting
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Below are slides for sessions at the June 2014 meeting, held at the Sandpearl Resort, Clearwater Beach, FL, presented in the order in which they appear on the program. All slides are in Adobe Acrobat format.
Wednesday Seminars (Jun 18)
Lloyd Spencer - Hanover Re -
Qualification Standards
Joeff Williams - Actuarial Management Resources
Thursday General Session 1 (Jun 19)
Predictive Modeling/Big Data
Eileen Burns - Milliman -
Non-Medical Products under ACA
Jim Baum - Allstate Benefits -
ORSA Readiness
Dana Hunt - PwC
Life Concurrent Session (Jun 19)
Indexed UL
Lorne Schinbein - ARCGA -
Determining Assumptions Under Multiple Frameworks
Yvonne McCullough - Nationwide Financial -
Update on Illustration Regulations
Donna Megregian - RGA
Health Concurrent Session (Jun 19)
Outcomes Measurement for Dummies…and Smarties: Spotting the Lies in the Statistics
Al Lewis - President and Founder, Disease Management Purchasing Consortium International, Inc. -
Risk Adjustment
Sean Paul - Milliman -
Private Exchanges
Dale Rayman - Towers Watson
Friday General Session (Jun 20)
Health Care Reform Update
Dave Tuomala - Optum -
NAIC Update
John MacBain, ARCGA -
Disease Trends in Society
Dr. Mark Skillan - Munich Re