Handouts Spring 2001 - Longboat Key, FL
Slides/Handouts for the Spring 2001 Meeting
Below are slides for sessions at the Spring 2001 meeting, presented in the order in which they appear on the program. All slides are in Adobe Acrobat format.
Pricing and Valuation Topics Seminar, sponsored by Actuarial Resources Corp.
ROE and ROI by John Condo
Pricing Measures by Ralph Sayre
Statutory Reporting Topics by John MacBain and Matt McAllister
GAAP Reporting Topics by Bob Crompton
The Economics of e-Insurance by Michelle Smith of Tillinghast - Towers Perrin
The Future of HMOs by Stu Rachlin of Milliman USA
Life Concurrent Session by Jim Greaton of Keyport Life, Ejaz Haroon of Protective Life, and Marc Altschull of Tillinghast - Towers Perrin
Underwriting Technology by Mary Fernald of Scottish Re (US)
The New Age of Underwriting by Hank George of LabOne, Inc.
Codification and other NAIC Topics - Life Insurance by Jeff Klanderman of KPMG LLP
Codification and other NAIC Topics - Health Insurance by Jim Galasso of Actuarial Services and Financial Modeling, Inc.
Stat ROI to GAAP ROE Workshop by Doug Robbins and Marc Altschull of Tillinghast - Towers Perrin