Conference Constitution
ARTICLE 1 - The NAME of this organization shall be the Southeastern Actuaries Conference.
ARTICLE 2 - The PURPOSE of this Conference shall be to promote friendship among its members and to foster and promote the practice of actuarial science. This promotion may be through informal discussion, written papers, or support of actuarial educational programs. This Conference is not organized for profit and no part of the net earnings shall inure to any member.
ARTICLE 3 - APPLICANT FOR MEMBERSHIP may include any qualified person residing in Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee or Virginia, who:
- is a Fellow or an Associate of the Society of Actuaries,
- is a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries,
- is a Fellow or an Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society,
- has received credit for four (4) courses from the Society of Actuaries or the Casualty Actuarial Society,
- has comparable professional actuarial credentials from another country.
Such qualified person may be admitted as a Member by the affirmative vote of the majority of the Executive Committee. Charter Members shall be those persons who signified their desire and intentions to become members prior to December 31, 1949.
ARTICLE 4 - MEETINGS of the Conference shall be held twice a year on such dates, and at such place, as designated by the Executive Committee. One Meeting shall be held in the Spring and the other in the Fall. The Fall Meeting shall be known as the Annual Meeting. Special Meetings may be called at any time by the President provided he/she is requested to do so by eight (8) or more Members, not more than two (2) of which reside in the same city.
ARTICLE 5 - REGULAR DUES shall be for a period beginning at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting and ending at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting in the following year. The Executive Committee shall determine the amount of such regular dues prior to the mailing of dues notices. Any person becoming a Member between the Spring Meeting and the Annual Meeting shall pay half dues for the remainder of the dues period. Prior to each Conference Meeting, the Executive Committee shall determine the registration fee(s) to be paid by Members, guests and/or actuarial student guests attending that Conference Meeting.
At the discretion of the Executive Committee, any Member who notifies the Secretary/Treasurer in writing that he/she has become totally disabled or has retired from active work may be exempt from the payment of dues which become payable during the period of such disability or retirement. Any "dues exempt" Member will be listed as "Retired" in the yearbook.
Amendment 5.1 - Effective January 1, 2019, any person becoming a Member between the Spring and Annual Meetings shall pay full dues for the remainder of the dues period. The Executive Committee is responsible for the establishment of membership dues, meeting fees, other fees, or other financial matters related to membership or participation in Conference events.
ARTICLE 6 - The OFFICERS of the Conference shall be the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary/Treasurer, and the Membership Chair. There shall be an Executive Committee which shall be composed of the four (4) Officers, the immediate past President, and two Members-At-Large. The four (4) Officers and the two (2) Members-At-Large shall be elected at each Annual Meeting for a term of one year to begin at the conclusion of such meeting. Vacancies occurring between Annual Meetings shall be filled for unexpired terms by the Executive Committee, except that the Vice-President shall fill the President's vacancy. The Officers shall perform duties usually pertaining to the office and the President shall appoint all Committees not otherwise provided for. Not more than two (2) members of the Executive Committee shall reside in the same city. No member of the Executive Committee shall receive any remuneration for services performed.
Amendment 6.1 – Officers Amendment – Effective January 1, 2019, changes to the serving members of the Executive Committee may be made between Annual meetings by a vote of five (5) out of seven (7) Executive Committee members. The nominating committee must approve changes to the Executive Committee by majority vote. Executive Committee changes will be effective immediately following vote by the nominating committee.
Amendment 6.2 – Officers Amendment – No more than two (2) Executive Committee Members may reside in the same city upon nomination and election of a new Executive Committee member; however, if at a later date, an Executive Committee member relocates and as a result more than two (2) members reside in the same city, the Executive Committee may agree by majority vote to allow the Members to continue on the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 7 - MANAGEMENT of the Affairs of the Conference shall be conducted by the Executive Committee subject to the Constitution and any instructions given at any meeting. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to submit programs for meetings to the Executive Committee for its consideration and approval.
Amendment 7.1 – Electronic Transmission Amendment – Effective January 1, 2019, notifications and official communications from the Conference may be made by mail, electronic mail, or any other widely recognized mode for transmitting information.
ARTICLE 8 - A QUORUM for the transaction of any business shall be fifty (50) members.
ARTICLE 9 - AMENDMENTS to this Constitution may be made by majority vote of:
- those present and voting at any regular meeting, and
- those voting by mailed ballot and received by the Secretary/Treasurer prior to five (5) days preceding such meeting [provided that notice of any proposed amendment, and a ballot, was mailed by the Secretary/Treasurer to each Member at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which action is contemplated].