Handouts Fall 2019 - Atlanta, GA

2019 Annual Meeting Handouts – Atlanta, GA

Slides/Handouts for the 2019 Annual Meeting

>> Download a PDF of the Program

>> Speaker Bios


Below are handouts for sessions at the 2019 Annual Meeting, in the order in which they appear on the program (all material is in Adobe Acrobat format):

Wednesday Seminars (November 20)

Actuarial Modernization: Why Bother? - Oliver Wyman

It's the End of the Year as We Know It: Do You Feel Fine? - Milliman


Thursday Morning General Sessions (November 21)

Presidential Supplement

The ASOP Advantage: The Latest in ASB Standards Setting - Cande Olsen

Employer-Sponsored Health Clinics - John Dawson

We Go Together: Effective Relationships Between Actuaries & Non-Actuaries - Kelly Hennigan & Jyotsna Sankuratri

Triage in Accelerated Underwriting, Measuring the Impact to Mortality and Distribution - Thomas Kirkland & Christian Lee


Thursday Afternoon General Sessions (November 21)

Building Communication Skills Through Improvisation - Bob Morand

Large Medical and Rx Claims - Reid Kinney

Large Medical and Rx Claims - David Vnenchak


Thursday Life Concurrent Sessions (November 21)

Life Underwriting - A New Paradigm - Mike Taht

Practical Considerations for Implementing FASB Targeted Improvements - Brad Shepherd

Implementing Life PBR: Are You Ready? - Dave Neve


Thursday Health Concurrent Sessions (November 21)

The Big Three of Telehealth: Three Benefits, Three Obstacles, Three Delivery Systems - Traci Hughes

Provider Network Development and an Actuaries Role in the Process - Robert Lang & Mallory Salvador

Specialty Rx Update - Kathryn Bronstein

Specialty Rx Update - Kara Clark


Friday Morning General Sessions (November 22)

Application of Machine Learning to Actuarial Work - Bob Crompton

Statistical Inference for Mortality Models - Patrick Ling

Digital Health Data - Michelle Lerch


Current News

Fall 2024 - The SEAC Fall meeting will be held at the Whitley Atlanta Hotel in Atlanta, GA on November 20-22, 2024. We look forward to seeing everyone in this great location. Registration will be open soon.

Spring 2024 - The SEAC Spring Meeting was held at the Opal Grand Oceanfront Resort and Spa in Delray Beach, Florida, on June 19-21, 2024. Attendees enjoyed the fabulous location and hotel, along with informative content from the sessions. We continued our partnership for additional activities during the Spring meetings.  

Fall 2023 - The SEAC Spring Meeting was held at the Desoto Savannah in Savannah, Georgia, on November 15-17, 2023.  Attendees were pleased with the hotel as well as the historic location, with lots of great sites to experience.  Sessions continued to be well attended and included strong audience participation.

Spring 2023 - The SEAC Spring Meeting was held at the Sandpearl Resort in Clearwater Beach, Florida on June 21-23, 2023.  Attendance was particularly strong for this meeting at a beautiful resort location with a strong assortment of speakers and presentations.  We also launched a new partnership with an event planner to assist with outside activities during the conference.

Fall 2022 - The SEAC Annual Meeting was held at the Hyatt Centric in New Orleans, Louisiana on November 16-18, 2022.  This was a joint meeting along with the Actuaries' Club of the Southwest (ACSW). We had continued strong attendance and participation in the sessions, with positive feedback all around.  Congratulations to Woolford London (President) and JoAnn Bogolin (Member-At-Large) on their elections.

If you would like to be considered as our next Member-At-Large on the Executive Committee, please contact Woolford London for more information.